If you’re thinking of buying a new home, you’ll be sifting through a lot of houses for sale. You’ll be getting a home inspection before you buy anything, and that will assess the foundation and wiring, the roof and the plumbing. Important as all those are in homes, it’s the little things that can really affect your day-to-day quality of life. Here are seven things to be looking for in houses for sale that aren’t covered in the home inspection:
Size of the Rooms
Bring measurements of your furniture and think about where you’ll actually be putting things. Don’t be so caught up in the beauty of a room–with other people’s stuff in it–that you can’t see what it’ll look like empty. Is it really the right size? Too big, and it’s harder to clean. Too small, and you feel like Gulliver crashing around Lilliput.
Indoor Outdoor Flow
This is simply how easy it is to move in and out. Some people want a lot of light and easy movement. Others value a smaller area to secure against possible intruders. Consider what’s most important to you and be sure to look at this aspect of the condos and homes you’re seeing.
Natural Light
Most of us want a good amount of natural light coming in all day. Light has a tremendous affect on our mood and productivity; so look at houses for sale that allow plenty of natural light to flow in. If you’re unsure, schedule to see a place at a different time of day so you can evaluate it under a different light, so to speak. Also look at how the house sits on the lot and which rooms face which point of the compass.
Landscape Shape and Elevation
Is there any grade on the property, front or back? How steep is it? Would you want to climb it regularly? Will it be difficult to mow or otherwise upkeep? Do you ever see yourself wanting to put in a deck or build a greenhouse? Consider the future as well as the present when you look at the shape and size of yards.
Check out All the Parking
Are you sure your vehicles will fit in the driveway? Is there enough room for a car or two should relatives come to stay or one of the kids gets a car in a few years? And find out all the local rules and regulations regarding street parking before you buy.
Consider Your Own Lifestyle
Does your significant other like to stay up late watching TV, while you need your beauty sleep? Then you might want a place where the TV room is well away from the bedrooms. How about laundry? Do you mind going down to a dimly lit basement to do it, or would you rather have a laundry room convenient to the main part of the house? These are the kinds of questions to ask before you buy, rather than kick yourself over afterwards.
Check Into Zoning Ordinances
Make sure you check out all the zoning ordinances in the area. How many pets can you have? Can you keep chickens or goats if you want? What about if you want to put in a treehouse, a shed, or a greenhouse? If you believe good fences make good neighbors, make sure you know how hard it’ll be to put one around your new place before you buy.
When looking at houses for sale, remember that this is a huge investment. Don’t rush into buying something: look for real estate that is customized to your needs and requirements.