Crafting has become a hobby of many in the United States in recent years, and crafting can entail anything from scrapbooking to quilting. In fact, in the United States alone there are at least 20 million people who quilt regularly, and that number is only growing. Crafting is particularly popular among women, who make up nearly 90% of all Etsy sellers, and people between the ages of 35 and 54. Crafting can even have health benefits and be effective in combating depression, as studies have shown that crafting releases dopamine, and study focused on people with depression showed that they reported increased levels of happiness after participating in a crafting project. For some, crafting is even becoming a career, particularly with the popularity of online sales platforms like Etsy. In fact, the vast majority of all Etsy sellers consider their Etsy shops businesses, and nearly 100% worked from home.
But for many people working from home, space becomes an issue. The implementation of multifunctional furniture for small spaces can be huge in organizing a craft space. The implementation of multifunctional furniture for small spaces can be seen in a number of ways. For instance, a file bench is a great example of the implementation of multifunctional furniture for small spaces, as not only does it provide seating, but it also serves as storage and helps to organize important business documents for the Etsy seller. Another example of the implementation of multifunctional furniture for small spaces can be seen in a 9 cube organizer or white modular storage cubes. Stacking furniture like this is ideal for the implementation of multifunctional furniture for small spaces because they can be arranged in nearly any way to best fit the space allowed for it.
There are other ways to best utilize a small craft space, like a hanging organizer. A hanging organizer works well for small spaces because it provides storage without taking up any ground space. The same can be said for floating shelves.
Though some of these storage utilities can be pricey, many can be found at a discounted price at a home storage sale. Therefore, it is optimal to look for sales and clearance items whenever possible, and important to know that it isn’t necessary for all storage items to be bought at once. On the contrary, storage items can be built up one by one, and even can be changed out when a more effective storage method is discovered.
Working in a small space can be a challenge, particularly for those with serious Etsy businesses. However, it is definitely doable if the right storage items are implemented and easy to save money if sales are looked out for and clearance items purchased and taken advantage of. From quilters to scrapbookers, crafting has a wide range of projects. Knitting, crocheting, and embroidery also count as crafting and many people who take up these crafts are able to run successful businesses. These businesses can be even more successful with the strategic implementation of storage furniture.