Many see drug addictions as victimless crimes. People who suffer with addictions to drugs and alcohol are only hurting themselves, is the idea. Anyone who has been close to someone suffering with an addiction knows that this could not be any farther from the truth. An addiction can tear apart a family. It can cause the person to change who they are. Their addiction can affect their marriage, their jobs, and their entire lives. It can be difficult, as an outsider, to watch someone self destruct with an addiction. What, then, are some ways that a person can effectively get help for their loved one struggling with an addiction?
Help them understand the effects of their addiction. Most people have heard that you cannot help someone who does not want to be helped. If your loved one does not believe they have a problem, or simply does not care that they have a problem, it will be very difficult to get them the help they need. Some users have been using for many years, and still fail to see it as a problem. Most people use drugs for the first time when they are teenagers. There were just over 2.8 million new users of illicit drugs in 2013, or about 7,800 new users per day. Over half (54.1%) were under 18 years of age.
You can assist your loved one in identifying the problems their addiction is causing by pointing out their dissatisfactions. Many people drink to cover up negative feelings. Sometimes simply helping them see that they drink to avoid a recent break up or they take illegal drugs to deal with the stresses of work can be helpful in allowing them to see their problem.
Arrange a type of intervention. Some people realize they have a problem, but do not fully realize how much it is affecting those around them. Most treatment programs are catered around the individual, but also allow them to reflect on how they have hurt those important to them. An intervention is a great way to inform this person of all the people that care about them and want them to change for the better.
Enroll them in a comprehensive treatment program. A successful treatment program is one that include drug treatment methods and one that also helps them through the withdrawal process. The negative consequences of the withdrawal process are one of the things that keep people from coming clean. However, if they have medical assistance, such as ibogaine addiction treatment for opiate addictions, they are able to handle the negative side effects better.
Ibogaine is remarkably effective for obviating upwards of 98% of withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal, and produces significant reduction in cravings for stimulants and alcohol. With over 20 million Americans over the age of 12 having an addiction (excluding tobacco), it is important to have an easier method for withdrawing. The ibogaine treatment is especially helpful for methadone addiction and cocaine addiction, both addictions that have particularly difficult recovery processes.
Be prepared to give tough love. Addictions can cause people to be stubborn. Their bodies become physically dependable on the substance, and they resort to doing what they need to do to get it. A treatment program can help reduce the addiction and the constant need for the substance, but you may have to give tough love and provide ultimatums to get your loved one to agree to a drug treatment program. The treatment program cannot be helpful to them, if they never agree to go.
Addiction is a battle that many struggle with on a daily basis. The family members and loved ones of those battling an addiction also struggle. It can be overwhelming to know how to help your loved one through the recovery from an addiction. However, with the right amount of encouragement and motivation, you can successfully help your friend or family member get on the long road to addiction recovery.