In a time when the nation’s Secretary of Education is directing more and more money to charter schools, it should come as no surprise that an increasing number of families are looking at performing arts high schools that in the past may have been out of their reach. With the help of more funding, there may be even more parents who are going to help their children reach for admission or selection into the top high schools in the country, including performing arts high schools.
Whether you are a parent who is considering a private school for the first time or you are a family who has only attended private schools, you likely have some very specific reasons for sending your children to smaller, private school classrooms. And while there are many places in the country where the public schools are excellent, parents in other parts of the country find themselves fairly desperate for private school education opportunities for their children.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the reasons that many families select performing arts schools and other specialized educational opportunities for their children:
- The latest research indicates that 86% of private schools have fewer than 300 students.
- One of the top reasons that parents look at private schools is for the smaller size that so many of them offer.
- Prepatory schools in many parts of the country have a great history of getting high school graduates into elite colleges.
- Of the 305,842 private high school graduates from the year 2010 through 2011, as many as 64% attended four year colleges by the fall of 2011.
- Fraser Institute study reports indicate that 72% of parents surveyed with children in the private school system strongly agreed that their school was safe.
- Top private schools in the country can have long wait lists and highly selective admissions processes.
- High schools that focus on areas like the arts or engineering are of special interest to many families.
- Estimates show that 91% of parents surveyed said the dedication of the teachers was their main reason for choosing private school, according to a study completed by the Fraser Institute in the year 2007.
- Computer labs are one thing that parents are looking for when they visit potential high schools.
- Looking for the right school is a task that many people invest a good deal of time in.
- Approximately 88% of private high school students apply to college, according to NCES data. This percentage applies to the 57% of students in public high school who apply to college.
- Statistics indicate that there are 30,861 private schools in the U.S., serving 5.3 million PK-12 students.
- Students who have the opportunity to attend performing arts high schools are given the chance to be involved in all aspects of stage presentations.
If you are looking for ways to help your high schooler move to the TOP OF THE CLASS you are likely looking at both public and private school options. Read more about this topic at this link.