San Diego college students aren’t new to the stress of moving. The vast majority of them live outside of their parents’ homes, either in on-campus or off-campus housing. Between holidays at their childhood homes and vacating dorms for the summer, students are often moving their wardrobes and other personal effects multiple times a year. But what about when they have to leave the dorm for good? While some retreat back to mom and dad’s house for a while, many others are moving into their own rented apartments as they join the workforce. How do new grads ensure that they’re making smart decisions while moving into their new apartments? Moving help is important to keep things low-stress, so here are some tips that new grads may find useful as they get ready to once again move everything they own.
Pare Down All the Junk
Do you really need all the free t-shirts from college events? Or the ugly chair you bought sophomore year for your desk? You don’t have to do a total combing through of your belongings, but if you know something is just dead weight for a move, donate it, sell it, give it away. You’ll thank yourself when you’re unpacking.
Similarly, don’t drag a bunch of perishables with you. Who wants to pack and unpack a bunch of canned beans or loaves of bread? Use up the food in your pantry before you move, and go grocery shopping when your food storage space is ready in your new place. If you have canned goods, consider donating them to a food bank, or even hiring a moving service that is part of the Move for Hunger program. Many local movers are members, and are happy to transport the goods for donation. They’re out of your hands, and supporting charity!
Plan Ahead
Figure out what is going in which boxes, and how to pack them so they get where they’re going safely. Need to keep some things at your friend’s place? Plan it out. Have some bigger items that are a pain to move, or that you’re not ready to have in your new place yet? Look into local movers that provide storage facilities as well. Things may go awry, but having a plan in place keeps your head cool on moving day.
Insurance, Insurance, Insurance
College students and new grads often skip on renter’s insurance to save a few bucks. While understandable, it’s really worth looking into an affordable option– and yes, affordable options DO exist. What most people don’t think about is having an insured moving service. Not all movers are insured, but some local movers in San Diego are, such as Reliable Delivery. Having an insured mover actually provides a lot of peace of mind when the entirety of your belongings are out of sight until they reach your new home.
The name of the game when moving is to be smart and stick with reliable and local services whenever possible. Always plan for the unexpected, accept help from others, and order good pizza to celebrate when all your boxes have been unloaded. Good luck!