According to BusinessInsider.com on November 14, houses are selling much faster today than they were one year ago. According to a report from Zillow, many homes are selling an average of 30 days faster! While this is good news for people interested in selling a home, it doesn’t solve everything. For ever person who thinks buying a home or moving into a new house is complex, there are two more who have become frustrated with the process of selling one.
There are a few simple tips that could make selling a home much easier than initially anticipated. According to the article referenced above, inventory is tight nowadays. These quick hints could help many different types of homes to sell without much grief.
- Make a Good First Impression – According to research, the majority of potential home buyers form an opinion on a potential home within the first seven to 10 seconds of entering it. By making a home look comfortable, clearing out unnecessary clutter and showing off space in the right areas, a home could be made to look much more appealing.
- List Your Home Online – It is estimated that 92% of potential home buyers researched homes on the internet during 2012. If a home is not listed on the internet, the chances of it being found by an interested buyer will be greatly decreased. Considering that the average age of a first time home buying in the U.S. is 31, it’s probably a safe assumption that most of them are internet savvy.
- Go with the Professionals – When it comes to selling a home, one of the best things that you can do is to hire a professional real estate agent. Real estate agents will know how to talk to possible home buyers. Selling a house on ones own may sound good, but it always helps to have an expert on hand. A professional Realtor will always know things that the amateur doesn’t.
Selling a home is always going to present issues, just like buying a condo or house. With tips like these, people might just find themselves beating that average of 30 days faster mentioned above. Reference links.