For too long the misconception has been propelled that moms with newborns are supposed to be uncomfortable and cranky—that’s simply not true! The notion that pregnant or first-time moms are supposed to experience nagging discomfort is simply unacceptable, and we’re here to tell you that misconception is no longer! Most moms look for a great new, helpful item after their birth, typically something made of soft, lush fabrics like cashmere that’ll easily support first time mommies with their basic baby-necessities. Although mothers are strong, powerful beings there are often not perceived as such. Gifting the gift of cashmere is one of the best gifts a mother could receive post-birth—a baby wrap made of cashmere is a divine breastfeeding wrap for moms who cherish quality items for their newborn.
Who Says Motherhood Can’t Be Glamorous?
Typically, a traditional mommy wrap is far from glamorous in every sense of the word—the materials could potentially irritate the baby’s skin and further aggravate any underlying conditions a newborn wouldn’t be exposed to otherwise. Who wants that? Yuck. However, a cashmere blanket is one of the best baby blanket gifts you could give. Cashmere is a material almost everyone adores; it’s considered the most cherished of them all—what better way to protect and lovingly cradle your child than in the gift of a baby cashmere set. The concept of motherhood is a cherished moment, a time in life where a life-changing experience occurs, from the gift of life to the gift of parenthood. What better way to celebrate the gift that keeps on giving with a cashmere baby wrap to cuddle your newborn bundle of joy? A before or after motherhood look should NOT solely consist of dull, drab clothing—just because you’re a mother doesn’t mean you have to stop being stylish, you deserve the best baby blankets on the market. When designing the best baby blankets, it was created with the ideal material made to support an active lifestyle by mothers with an active lifestyle.
Statistics show the number of mothers in the U.S has significantly increased within the last decade, from an average of 1.86 to 2.07 children in 2016. However, mothers in the workforce have also significantly increased—in 2015, nearly 70% of mothers with children under the age of 18 worked in the labor force in the U.S, while only 46% of two-parent households in the U.S work full-time jobs. On average, over 35% of pregnant women are over the age of 30. For all the labor-intensive hours placed in by mothers, you’d think there would be great benefits for mothers, right? Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Even with the long hours, mothers can’t receive benefits during their pregnancy in the U.S—a vast difference from other countries that provide full coverage and care for expecting mothers. Post-birth is when a mother faces some of her hardest times—postpartum depression, such as feelings of worry, depression, and sadness occurs in nearly 15% of mothers. Although we are unable to change of that caliber quickly, there’s no need to live in a perpetual state of misery. After all, we all need like a taste of luxury to sustain us; a cashmere baby blanket provides just that—its sheer material enough to comfort both you and your baby, which is why it’s considered one of the best baby blankets on the market.
5 Must Haves For You Baby’s First Christmas
1. Memorable holiday cards. If there’s one thing that’ll make a Christmas holiday ideal, it’s a fabulous Christmas card that includes photos of your baby’s first Christmas. How adorable.
2. You can never go wrong with gifting luxurious items—cashmere is a favorite among most, especially first-time mothers who tend to love the gentle embrace of something soft and warm. What better present to give than one of the best baby blankets ever made?
3. Holiday pajamas are a major must-have for a newborn’s first holiday—nothing is more festive (or cuter) for a holiday surprise.
4. Starting a new favorite tradition is one of the best holiday gifts you could have. It’s not something everyone has, either. Creating a holiday tradition that’s all your own is something that’s truly memorable.