Are you looking for a single family home for sale? Zillow released a report in 2016 that showed 83% of home buyers were looking for single family homes for sale.
The Popularity of New Home Constructions
Many home buyers, particularly those purchasing their very first homes, want to find a house that hasn’t been lived in before. Zillow states that this is the case with 48% of buyers, 32% of which are first-time home buyers.
For buyers that purchased brand-new homes, 45% wanted to be able to customize, according to Zillow. This is a major reason why these new home developments are so popular. In addition to being able to choose an open layout or another type of floor plan, homeowners can also choose the number of bedrooms and bathrooms they want as well as create additional storage space.
Another reason why new home constructions are popular is that they don’t have the same types of issues that are associated with older homes. Zillow indicated that 34% of the individuals that purchased new homes did so to avoid the need to renovate. Furthermore, they also didn’t want to have to deal with any potential electrical and/or plumbing issues.
Another huge selling factor for brand-new homes is their energy-efficiency. This was listed as the “most-desired” feature for 48% of the individuals that purchased new constructions.
Millennials, Townhouses, and Walkable Neighborhoods
During 2017, many of the individuals purchasing homes will be under 35, according to Realtor.com. They predict that 61% of the individuals that purchase homes this year will be within this age group. During the home-purchasing process, homeowners will usually buy home owners insurance. Another type of protection that makes sense to obtain is a home warranty. Companies such as 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty, which happens to be 1 of the strongest national companies, provide coverage and protection for up to 10 years from the closing date. It’s important to note that this coverage pertains to qualified structural defects, however. Whether you’re looking for a townhouse or a single family home for sale, it’s important to work with a real estate agent. Since your realtor will have current listings, chances are that there is more than just 1 single family home for sale that will appeal to you. bolsos michael kors outlet bolsos michael kors outlet bolsos michael kors outlet
Townhouses are at the top of the list for 20% of prospective home buyers, per Zillow. Millennials, in particular, are considering these types of homes, and are 23% more likely to look at and consider purchasing them.
Walkable neighborhoods are also at the top of the list for 56% of people within the Millennial age group. The Baby Boomer generation, however, is close behind them at 46%. While this is a preference, chances are that when searching for new single-family homes or townhouses, walkability will be a “must-have.”
Home Buyers Warranty
Contact a Realtor to View Townhouses or Single Family Homes for Sale
If you’re interested in a walkable neighborhood, a new home community, or have other preferences and requirements, be sure to let your realtor know. They will do their best to help you find a home to love for years to come.