There are a variety of causes and charities to support, all of them honorable in their own right. When it comes to donating to charity, people sometimes feel conflicted on what charity to support. There are many noble causes in the United States alone, one of them being supporting the homeless and poor. Across the country, there are thousands of homeless and poverty-stricken people in dire need of clothes. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are over 600,000 men, women, and children who lack basic housing. Nearly a quarter of them are children.
As tragic as the situation is, there are solutions (albeit short-term) for helping the homeless. One of them is donating clothes to charity. Clothing donations will truly help those who for a variety of reasons cannot help themselves. No one on Earth should lack access to basic clothing, and for that, donations for non profit organizations certainly help. Donating lightly used clothing will ensure that someone without a home to go to will at least have proper protection against the elements, and especially in this year’s brutal winter, they need all the protection they can get their hands on in colder areas.
Before you donate any clothing, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Check your donations for any tears, stains, or other blemishes to make sure they are in wearable condition. Clothing that cannot be worn are of no use to anybody. Also be sure to wash your donations before going ahead and dropping them off. This puts considerably less strain on charities and non profit organizations responsible for checking and distributing the clothing. Keep in mind, too, that these organizations will accept these clothing and may offer tax deduction credits.
Of all the charities to support, clothing charities offer an invaluable and desperately need service for the thousands of people across the country that need these clothes to survive. Read more articles like this.