Your part time job has turned into a career that provides a variety of days. On one day you might find yourself working in a Montessori preschool room; on another day you might find yourself subbing in an Advanced Placement Language Arts high school classroom. In fact, in any given week you might be subbing in any room with students of any age, from three-year olds to high school seniors. And while the ages are very different from one room to another, you always strive to approach each day with the same amount of enthusiasm for the job and respect for the students.
In fact, you would argue that would those two tools you can teach in a classroom with almost any age of students. Professionalism and respect can help you set the tone for a classroom whether you are doing circle music time with preschoolers or literary analysis with high school juniors and seniors. Although there are many parents who swear by the advantages of attending private schools, you have learned enough to know that unless the classroom teacher employs both professionalism and respect, the classroom will likely not be as successful as possible.
Consider the importance of having the right atmosphere in any school that you select and the gains that can be made in the strongest classrooms:
- Respect is a classroom trait that can have a very dramatic effect in any environment. From a preschool classroom to a high school writing class, when a teacher models respect the students are given a positive example to follow.
- Estimates indicate that 98% of 12th-graders enrolled in private schools October 1, 2010, graduated by the fall of 2011.
- Small schools make up the majority of private schools in this country. In fact, 86% of the private schools in America have fewer than 300 students.
- Private preschools are sometimes the beginning track to a kindergarten through 12th grade private education.
- Elementary schools across the country sometimes offer affordable before and after school care.
- Caring staff members who value the worth of every student create productive learning environments where academic achievemens are made.
- Teachers who are respectful to their other staff members set a great role model for students to follow.
- Faculties that are professional in their appearance and their language can help set a tone for an entire building.
- Unless teachers are willing to be professional and respectful they should no longer be in the classroom.
- Latest statistics indicate that private schools account for 24% of the nation’s schools and enroll 10% of all the pre-kindergarten through 12 grade students in the classroom.
- Teachers need to be knowledgable in the content areas where they are teaching, but they also need to be well trained in classroom management and other important skills.
- Estimates indicate that 96% of all private schools in the 2011 and 2012 year were coeducational, while only 2% enrolled all boys and 2% enrolled all girls.
- A study completed by the Fraser Institute in the year 2007 indicated that 91% of parents surveyed said teacher dedication teachers was a family’s main reason for choosing private school
- Classes in foreign language and advanced math courses are a real drawing card for some of the best private and public schools in the country.
- High schools, middle schools, and elementary schools build the base for attending college to pursue bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees.
- Instead of just assuming that the preschool where your neighbor’s send their children is the only place to go, it is important to make sure that you do own research.
- No parent wants to think that a student is mistreated in a classroom, but it is important to make sure that you can be confident in the respect and the professionalism of a child’s teacher.
- Going into an education is not a career path that is going to bring great wealth or fame. It is, however, a career that can change lives. Through respectful and well planned teaching, students can thrive and flourish.
If you are looking for the best educational experience for your children, it is important that you start by looking for a school that employs a RESPECTFUL TEACHING. The decisions that you make about your children’s education are some of the most important choices you will make in life.
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