Assisted living homes can be a tough topic when brought up to your elders. but nearly seven of every ten Americans that are over the age of 65 will need long-term care. When the topic arrises, it is important to know that no two senior housing options are alike, and about 84.5% of resident would recommend their eldercare facilities to someone else. Also, assisted living residents are mostly independent and will have 24/7 support available if they find themselves in need.
Assisted living costs can be another topic that people try to avoid, as most residents are living off of their retirement funds and social security money. The fact that most people live an average of 18.5 years after turning 65, as opposed to the 1960s when it was just 4 more years, makes it obvious that assisted living will be a long term expense. This adds to the importance of finding affordable senior housing.
If your father or grandfather is dragging his feet about finding or moving to a senior citizen facility, let them know that there will be much to do and a lot of new people to meet. In fact, The National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing and Care Industry states that 88.1% was the average occupancy rate for senior housing properties during 2011. This shows many senior citizens are opting for assisted living situations to help meet their needs and their families needs.
So, when bringing up elder care let your loved one know that there are many options and that they are highly recommended by the residents who live there. Find an assisted living cost that works with your budget, and know there are many affordable options available. Also, let the senior know that other of his age, and maybe even younger, attend the same facility he will be attending, so that he will feel comfortable and able to meet all his social needs.
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