Giving back to charitable organizations has become hugely popular all throughout the United States. As a matter of fact, the majority of this country’s population – up to 70% of all Americans, to be just a bit more specific – will donate to charity over the course of the year. In some cases, people will even donate more than once, provided that they are really able to do so.
And there are many ways in which you can donate. Monetary donations, of course, are always welcome – and quite common, as up to 3% of the total income generated throughout the United States is actually given to one charitable organization or another. Used clothing donations, however, have proven to be the particularly ideal way for the average person to donate, thanks to the fact that just about everyone here in the United States has the surplus clothing that they can part with. After all, with the average person consuming very nearly 70 garments in a single year – and, on average, up to seven pairs of shoes – it should come as no shock that the American of today buys up to double the clothing than someone even just a mere 20 years ago would have purchased. In total, this means that people in the United States alone are buying up to 20 billion garments over the course of just one year.
Unfortunately, all too much of that clothing simply ends up in the trash, with the average person discarding up to ten pounds of clothing over the course of a mere 12 months, a single year. This means that up to ten and a half million tons of textile waste is created each year – and ending up in landfills found all throughout the country. Donating your clothing, such as taking the time to donate clothes to Red Cross centers, is one such way that you can drastically reduce the amount of pure waste that is being generated. And when you donate clothes to Red Cross centers all throughout the country, you are helping out a very highly utilized charity – and one that is likely to need all of the donations it can get, for that matter.
After all, many will donate clothes to Red Cross centers because this is one of the main services that the American Red Cross provides. But if you don’t want to donate clothes to Red Cross centers throughout the country, there are many other ways that you can give back to your local American Red Cross as well. For instance, Red Cross centers also give out food to those in need of it, meaning that donations of non perishable foods are likely to be highly needed. On top of this, you can donate blankets as well, in addition to your own blood. Should you qualify for being able to donate blood, this is most certainly one of the best ways that you can give back to a charity like the American Red Cross.
After all, the American Red Cross is a charity that is open each and every day of the year – including major holidays. In addition to this, they are also open every single hour of the day, meaning that they are always ready to provide aid for someone who is really in need of it. From taking the time to donate clothes to Red Cross centers to giving food or your own blood, there are a great many ways in which you can give back and help those who are less fortunate than you. Fortunately, more and more people are becoming aware of how to donate clothes to Red Cross centers in their communities, meaning that more aid is given and fewer clothes are ending up in the already way too full landfills that can be seen throughout the country. For many people, this type of giving back is not only ideal for these reasons, but also for the fact that it costs nothing to do and is really an incredibly easy choice to make at the end of the day.