Choosing to donate clothing is an option for many reasons. When you donate clothing it keeps that clothing out of the landfills, and offers others the chance to use something you are no longer using. Donating to stores allows frugal shoppers to grab great deals, and donating to charity allows those less fortunate to benefit from something you no longer need. About 70% of people in the United States give to charity each year. This is in the form of monetary donations, donated items and volunteering their time. These clothing donations are beneficial for you as a frugal shopper as well. You can find incredible prices on clothing and save money while helping the community.
Downgrade Your Pride
Many people have a certain vision of buying donated clothing. People donate clothing and utilize used clothing donations sites for a variety of reasons, not just because they are old and outdated. A clothing donation center is a useful option for those looking to clean out closets from clothes that may no longer fit, or that they simply don’t wear anymore.
Try Items On
When you choose to buy from places where people donate clothes, it’s important to remember that there are many different manufacturers of that clothing. Sometimes a medium from one manufacturer is more like an extra small in another manufacturer. Try every article of clothing on before deciding to purchase it.
Check, Check and Double Check
When buying from places which allow people to donate clothing you must thoroughly check every single article of clothing you are interested in. Check to make sure that all the buttons are on the shirt. Check to make sure hems are still sewn, and zippers work properly. Thoroughly check for stains, and hold the article of clothing up to the light to reveal even light stains. This reduces the disappointment of getting home and realizing that an incredibly good deal resulted in clothing that can not be worn.
Clothing stores that sell donated clothing are great places to find deals on clothing, but don’t forget accessories as well. You can also find great prices on jewelry and shoes as well. Belts can run almost half price when you get them from a clothing donation store. Accessories such as necklaces are also significantly cheaper than major retailers.
Browse Through all Clothing
Ever bought something because it was perfect on the hanger just to get home and realize it doesn’t look as good as you thought it would? Have you ever shoved it into the closet thinking you will return it later to realize a couple years down the road you never got around to returning it? You are not the only one, many people run into the same problem, and sometimes that brand new clothing is donated instead of returned. Sometimes with the tag still intact. Browse through all the clothing because you never know what new pieces you might walk away with at an incredible price.
Get to Know the Associates
Get to know the associates so that they keep you updated on key dates, like when the stock is rotated. Stores get in new shipments and rotate stock in order to place new fresh items out for purchase. In addition to this sometimes stores need to make room for the new shipments. This means sales to clear the sales floor to make more room. By getting to know the associates you can be one of the first to know about such dates and events. Those who choose to donate clothing do so at different intervals, this means many stores must hold onto their stuff until they can make room for it on the sales floor.
Americans on average dispose of approximately 10 pounds of clothing per person per year. Choosing to donate clothing rather than toss it helps the entire community. Purchasing donated clothing helps to provide jobs for the community for those working the donation shops and eliminates waste in the community. Donating items and purchasing donated items all help to benefit the community.