Why Homecare Is Beneficial for People Living With Alzheimer’s


When age gets the better of our loved ones, certain complications are bound to arise, possibly because of weakened immune systems or other worn-out organ systems. A staggering 80% of seniors are in hospitals yearly for having at least one chronic disease. If you think that’s bad, 68% of seniors have two or more chronic complications. Perhaps the most common of all these age-related complications is Alzheimer’s disease, the most prominent form of dementia.

Dementia Care for Aging Individuals

Caring for patients with dementia can be very taxing, especially if you do it yourself. But most people are so inclined to keep loved one close to them and within the comfort of their homes that they’d rather settle for taking care of them by themselves, and rightly so. A home is safer and more peaceful and is also a familiar environment that gives patients some sense of stability.

Luckily you don’t have to do the care for your loved one, while you have other pending errands to run. Nowadays, you can always have personalized home care for your loved one with a simple phone call.

Benefits of Home Care for Alzheimers Patients

Dementia care is very delicate and intensive because many dementia patients require a lot of attention and constant surveillance. Having a patient around the home is very advisable because:-

1. Patient’s Behavior Is Closely Monitored

Alzheimer’s disease, or other forms of dementia, are usually characterized by lots of changes in mood and behavior. There is likely to be some bouts of irritability or depression that you’ll need to take care of fast before they become full-blown. With home care, you’ll have professionals taking care of every aspect of the house so that they take care of any triggers that may cause irritability or disturb the patient’s peace.

2. Patients’ Symptoms Are Closely Monitored

Alzheimer’s disease usually decreases with age, and as the patient grows older, his/her condition is bound to deteriorate without close monitoring. Home care providers are always on toes to keep tabs on the patients’ health including constantly checking their vitals, ensuring they take the meds and also providing crucial information to the doctor so that the patient is in the best shape. It’s worth noting that past the age of 65, dementia tends to get more aggressive and greater attention to patients becomes a priority.

3. Nutrition and Diet

What the patient eats becomes very crucial in mitigating the symptoms of dementia and slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It is, therefore, advisable for the patient to adopt healthy eating habits comprised of a balanced diet and enough water for healthier living. Home care professionals will come up with a proper diet regimen with the right amount of everything to boost the patient’s well-being. They’ll also prepare the meals at the correct times and ensure the patient is well fed.

4. Physical Exercise and Therapy

A bit of physical activity to get proper blood pumping is always good for the body, mind, and soul. So physical therapy is always great for people living with Alzheimer’s disease. What’s more, as dementia further progresses, patients are prone to suffer opportunistic diseases like pneumonia due to lack of mobility. With home care, the patient can take part in many physical activities that are doctor-approved under the supervision of a physical therapist, to prevent strain or injury.

5. Comfort and Sanguinity

There’s no environment more comforting and familiar than your home, and it makes sense to have dementia care patients close to a place with loving memories to make them more stable. Dementia home care is also the best for your loved ones to spend their aging moments in great care and loving company.

Bottom Line

Home care is certainly a superb option when it comes to dementia care and could be just what your aging loved ones need during the final stages of their lives. A comfortable, homey, and happy place surrounded with familiar scenes and by family.

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