With the new school year in full swing, everyone is getting back into the groove of settling into a new routine. Though all the back to school shopping for supplies and clothing is over with, it’s important to remember that we can make clothing donations all year round, as the need always exists, especially for military families.
So many Americans are eager to show their appreciation and support for military families, but are unsure how to do so, where to begin, or what kind of charitable donation to make. Luckily, there are a variety of local and national organizations that help military families and veterans, and that guide Americans as to the best way to donate.
Clothing donations are an excellent way to give back in that they are convenient as well as extremely valuable. Donating clothing helps veterans and military families, as well as the environment, which is a concern for many Americans as well. Nearly 99% of clothing that discarded can be reused, recycled, or donated. Donating clothing significantly reduces landfill waste and pollution.
No time to make a donation? Not to worry. The majority of charities over donation pick up services as a convenience. Simply contact your charity of choice and schedule a designated pick up time. That’s right! You can make a donation right from the convenience of your home.
Though clothing donations are an excellent way to give back to the military community and those in need, it’s important to remember that all donations are important. Whether you choose to donate time, money, food, or clothing, you can feel confident that your contribution is greatly appreciated, and is making a difference in the lives of so many people. Research more here.