Did you know that the Red Cross does far more than just blood drives and providing medical aid? The Red Cross also donates blankets, foods, and household goods to people in need and often provides shelter as well. They provide relief every day of the year, 24/7 and are a non-profit, tax exempt charitable organization. And like every charity organization, they rely on the goodwill and generosity of the public. And although the United States received almost $700 million in private donations in 2014, that money has to stretch far to care for those in need. For example, did you know that as of January 2015, almost 575,000 individuals were homeless in the United States on any given night?
Around 70% of people give to charities every year? Yet only around 3% of income is given to charities. Imagine if that number was even 10%! It’s possible for us all to affect change and help people in need that live in our neighborhoods, by giving just a little bit from what we have. If you can’t afford a monetary donation, other donations can help. A Red Cross clothes donation for example, can make a huge difference in someone’s life.
Tell Me More About Red Cross Clothes Donation
It’s not just the Red Cross that accepts used clothing donations, although they often sponsor Red Cross clothing pickup times and have drop off areas for public donations as well. Many charitable organizations offer something similar. If you go onto the Red Cross website, you’ll probably be able to see what chapters are active in your community and where you can go to make a clothing donation. New and gently used clothing is usually acceptable.
Some particularly busy times to donate clothes are right before school starts and before the really cold weather hits. You may see more signs or ads asking for clothing donations for children to outfit them properly before school starts or to give gently used coats and jackets, so that everyone has something warm to wear. If you have kids, this is particularly easy — they’re growing out of boots, jackets, hats, and pretty much every cold weather item you can think of. Instead of throwing those items out, or needlessly stockpiling them in your home, why not donate them instead?
You’ll want to make sure that the clothes are clean and without any stains. If there are small rips or holes, see if you can mend them, otherwise reconsider donating them. Shrunk, faded, or bleached out clothes are also not welcome donations — don’t treat a Red Cross clothes donation, or any other kind of clothing donation, as a trash heap.
What Other Good Comes From a Red Cross Clothes Donation?
Since the Red Cross is a tax-exempt charitable organization, per the 501(c)(3) code of the IRS, you may also be eligible for a break on your taxes, Just make sure you get a receipt for all your donations so you have proof of your donation.
By donating your clothes instead of disposing them, you’re also saving the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that we throw away about 10 pounds of clothes a year — each! Collectively, we send almost 11 million tons of clothes and other textile goods to the dump every year. However, by donating to charities or secondhand stores, we can help cut down on all that waste.
You’ll also get a chance to minimize your belongings. Most of us don’t need all the junk we actually own — if we looked at everything we own and got rid of everything that wasn’t useful (ether aesthetically or functionally), we’d probably get rid of half of our belongings! If you haven’t worn something in over 6 months, for example, you should start thinking about just getting rid of it. All it’s doing is taking up more space!
Take the time to make a difference in someone else’s life by doing the simple good deed of cleaning out your closets. Your gently used clothes could make a big impact on someone who really needs them.
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