Here in the country of the United States, the population of the elderly, those who are over the age of sixty five, is growing on a consistent basis. In fact, recent data has shown that by the time that we reach the year of 2030, just over ten full years from the current year of 2018, as much as twenty percent of the entire population will have reached the age of sixty five or will have even exceeded it. And, as many people are aware, the health needs of this population will continue to grow, as is a natural part of the aging process. And as people age, they will begin to need more care. Much of this care comes through the platform of Medicare, through which fifty eight million people got their health care coverage by the time that we had reached the April of 2017, more than a full year ago from our current date. In the time that has elapsed since, this number has only continued to climb. But as people continue to age and grow older, they often lose the ability to take care of others and even themselves in the way that they were once able to. For these people, both those who have Medicare and those that have some other type of healthcare coverage, seeking out the services of holistic hospice care facilities can be a way to be provided with care but to still have a good quality of life.
Getting care at holistic hospice care facilities or other such hospice care services can be something that is hugely difficult for many people to accept is now a necessary service that they need in their lives. But holistic hospice care facilities are often far more enjoyable to live in than many people realize until they are there, and many people who live in holistic hospice care facilities are able to make new friends, partake in new activities, and even gain a greater deal of independence as they know that they will be well taken care of, as the typical hospice care service will provide twenty four hour supervision if it is necessary for the individual patient, and the typical resident of a home hospice care facility will have daily assistance with around three to four daily activities – and sometimes even more, depending on age as well as on overall physical and mental health.
Holistic care hospices are good for mental health as well. It is not often talked about, but old age can sometimes be very isolating, especially if you live alone without much contact with the outside world. Not only can this be dangerous, but it can be incredibly detrimental to the mental health status of the person living this experience. In fact, as much as fifteen percent of the elderly population – in this case and for this data, those who are at the age of sixty or older – struggles with at least one mental health problem, if not even more than one, which is often seen for a variety of mental health problems. Sometimes there will be preexisting mental health problems that can even become exacerbated by old age and the isolation that sometimes come along with it and as a part of the experience of living completely alone (and therefore often becoming isolated). Fortunately, moving to holistic hospice care facilities can help, and holistic hospice care facilities can provide the sense of community that so many people are very much looking for. And even when hospice care is provided as an in home service, it still also means that the person who is receiving the care will be able to have someone to talk to on a regular – if not even a daily – basis, something that is crucial for anyone to maintain the overall quality of their mental health.
Hospice care programs such as holistic hospice care facilities are growing in the United States alone, let alone in other places all throughout the rest of the entire world. Hospice care will only continue to grow.