Searching for a school district by zip code is helpful. It’s how you find a location that’ll save you on gas and keep you close by in case of an emergency.
That’s not the only feature that should go into supplementing your child’s education, however. Your child’s education is a powerful thing, able to influence everything from their future job to a potential marriage. The best day schools should provide a variety of benefits that will be enjoyed long after your little one graduates. If you’re running up against too many options, narrow things down by searching for a nearby private school. The benefits of private school education only continue to stack up in today’s uncertain economic climate.
Can you give your child a little bit of everything? With the best private education, anything is possible.
There are several barriers standing in-between children and a good education today. Student apathy is a major one, caused by factors ranging from bloated classroom sizes to inefficient programs. One study reached out to teachers and asked them their thoughts on this phenomenon — 20% of public school teachers stated student apathy was a problem in their schools, but just 5% of private school teachers said the same. A lack of parental involvement can also affect a child’s ability to feel their school matters. When you search for a school district by zip code, make sure private education isn’t far away.
The private school model is celebrated by parents today for its commitment to the individual approach. Instead of going for ‘quantity over quality’, private schools boast small classroom sizes and big ambitions. The average private school classroom doesn’t have more than 15 or 20 students, while public schools can be nearly twice as large. This gives teachers the opportunity to really get to know each student on a personal level. Increasing self-esteem, honing in on individual problems…it’s all in a day’s work.
While good grades are not the only hallmark of a strong education, it’s one element you won’t have to worry about with the best private schools. The national average private school SAT score has remained at a solid 1235, while public school SAT scores are much lower at 1060. An illuminating report saw counselors at private schools stating they spend 55% of their time on college-related counseling, to boot. This can include signing up a student for extracurriculars or sending them to arts camp to prepare for university. Your child’s dreams don’t begin once they graduate, but are nurtured on a daily basis.
Why wait until your child is in high school? Start the private educational model early by signing up your children in the best private elementary schools. A 2016 study revealed nearly three million students were enrolled in private elementary schools. Among the three to five year-olds enrolled in private preschool programs, 50% attended full-day programs. The benefits of prep schools help ease your child into a more ambitious environment, though never at the expense of their individuality.
The advantages of attending private schools range far and wide. They keep your child reaching for the stars, rather than settling for less. They raise your child’s chances of achieving strong grades that will get them approved by a university. Even better, private school models offer some of the best arts and enrichment programs. When searching for your school district by zip code, also search for the ‘best pre k schools near me’.
There’s no end to what your child can achieve when given the right tools. Search for your school district by zip code and by private school model. You’ll be grateful you did.