Did you know if your home is in the middle of a block your chances of a burglary is higher than homes located on a corner lot? Corner lot homes experience fewer burglaries and home invasions than homes located in the middle of the block. If you are living on a corner lot, you will still need to take preventative action against the possibility of a burglary. By installing the right burglar alarm equipment, you can deter criminals from breaking into your home. Most burglars are looking for easy targets and homes that have burglar alarm systems experience fewer burglaries than homes that do not have home burglar alarm systems.
If you are away from your home from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. because of a job or other obligations, your chances of experiencing a burglary is high. Studies show most burglaries happen during the daytime while people are at work. Furthermore, more burglaries happened during nice warm weather. No burglar wants to freeze to death trying to break into your home. We have all seen the signs on people’s property with the words Adt alarms, or ADT burglar alarm. Home security alarm signs actually deter burglars because criminals look for easy targets. While looking for burglar alarm equipment, you might want to check out the benefits of wireless burglar alarms for your home. Be sure to take the time to compare burglar alarm equipment and read reviews about home security companies.
Great references here.