Every year, there are two point two burglaries in the United States. It’s a shocking but true statistic. Forty seven percent of home burglaries occur in the South, while twenty one percent of all burglaries happening in the Midwest and West regions and the Northeast only having eleven percent of all home breakins. In these breakins, the most commonly stolen items are cash, jewelry, electronics, silver, guns and other easily resellable items. In this day in age, there are more reasons to invest in home alarm systems than there are to dismiss them. Alarm monitoring services don’t just protect your home by alerting you and the home alarm companies of a burglary in your home, but also as a deterrent. Of all the home alarm system reviews, Adt home security comes out on top.
ADT is the largest security company in the United States and Canada, they have four monitoring stations in the United States that service over six point four million customers. ADT home alarm system is well advertised on the property it is part of. Usually, that advertisement alone is enough of a deterrent to protect your home, but there are other benefits that come with utilizing home alarm systems. In this time of smart phones and tablets, many security companies like ADT, host remote monitoring. You can turn lights on remotely, open a garage door, even set off the alarm. If you have cameras set up, you can also monitor who ventures into your home and how, have a teenager who likes to come home late at night and lie about it? Home alarm systems, can easily help you to monitor their coming and goings, even recording them.
Home alarm systems are a responsible step in home ownership, not just to protect your possessions, but your family as well. Burglaries aren’t the only thing on the rise. Home invasions are also on the rise, these types of impositions into the home are violent to those living there and possessions are not the only things taken when they occur. With reliable home alarm systems you can easily protect what is precious to you in your life. Many home alarm systems have an immediate response team that will call your home to ask you if everything is alright. If not, or if there is no answer, they are quick to send the authorities to take care of you.