Looking to Invest in New Furniture? Here are a Few Facts You Need to Know


Modern outdoor furniture

Choosing the best bedroom furniture sets for your home can be difficult and sometimes even stressful. With the astounding amount of choice that is available when it comes to modern bedroom sets, and even modern living room furniture, finding a style that compliments your taste and your budget can be more than a little bit difficult. Here are a few important facts you should know before you decide to invest in brand new modern bedroom furniture sets for your home.

Every decade or so, different furniture styles come in and out of popularity. Though a lot of these styles stay around for several decades after the craze begins to die down, they are by no means as popular. One of the styles that has come back into favor in the past couple of decades is the mid century modern aesthetic. By and far the most popular modern furniture often combines materials such as stainless steel, and wood, or leather upholstery. Part of the reason for the resurgence in popularity of this style can be traced to the hit show Mad Men.

According to a recent survey by Hoover research, 60 percent of all furniture purposes in the United States are for residential or household purposes. One of the other main purposes for furniture in the country are in offices and even residential care facilities. In fact, according to Hoover research, an estimated 10 percent of all furniture sold in the United States is sold to organizations such as churches, hospitals, medical facilities, and non profit groups.

According to IBIS World research, the U.S. furniture industry is worth an estimated $65 billion U.S. dollars in revenue. One of the main reasons for this stems from the fact that pretty much every home and office in the country is going to have at least a small amount of furniture.

IBIS World research found that the top 4 most popular furniture companies in the U.S. only account for 12.7 percent of all furniture revenue in the United States. If you are low on cash, thrift shops are a great alternative.

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