Home healthcare professionals help people to cope with their daily lives. In-home caretakers help a person by offering services such as ambulatory support, hygiene maintenance, and feeding. This helps an individual to uphold decent personal contentment and also protects their respect. Professionals offering all home care services, such as senior care services, are guided by healthcare principles to guarantee optimal patient safety. These principles include beneficence, justice, autonomy, and non-maleficence principles. Typically, seniors are more likely to need home care services. Aging individuals are more prone to health issues such as psychotic depression, dementia, personality changes, aggression, mood swings, and other mental health problems.
Offering them good aid and assistance at home, either by yourself or seeking professional services through an assist care agency, prevents them from feeling depressed or isolated. Furthermore, home care provides a social life and a sense of community that energizes and empowers a person and enables people to gain insight into their values. Therefore, if your loved one has a condition that you think needs some home care, start seeking an all about care health agency. Living comfortably improves a person’s quality of life and also adds some years to their life. Furthermore, aging is inevitable, and people should give their loved ones the support they deserve.
Many millions of Americans have special medical needs of all sorts, and a person’s sex or age group may determine the likelihood of certain problems or conditions. The elderly, for example, often go through chronic conditions such as dementia, arthritis, osteoporosis, and more. Other times, a person has only recently gotten out of surgery, and their energy levels and mobility may be limited. In either of these cases, companion care at the patient’s residence such as post surgical home care or dementia care can do a lot of good. Someone who had surgery on their feet or legs, for example, may not want to climb stairs, and dementia patients need help with their declining memory and gross motor skills. This is why post surgical home care and dementia care can be found, and caregivers will be happy to help. Home care agencies can be researched online or referred to by one’s doctor, such as for post surgical home care. What might someone expect from post surgical home care or home Alzheimer’s care today?
Surgery and Dementia
Both of these may call for some assistance with living in the home. Surgery may vary based on which body parts were operated on and how much mobility is limited. For example, surgery on the legs or spine may reduce a person’s ability to walk, and surgery for the hands or arms may lower their ability to use items or eat.
Meanwhile, dementia is a common affliction for the elderly, and there are some statistics being kept about dementia, especially Alzheimer’s. Today, nearly 5.7 million Americans have this condition, and experts believe that this figure may grow to 14 million by the year 2050. It has been found that around 80% of seniors are suffering from at least one chronic disease, and 68% have two or more, and this certainly includes mental and neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s. This figures into the larger trend of elderly Americans needing care due to their chronic conditions, and 70% of Americans 65 and over need long-term care at some point or other. And while Alzheimer’s cannot be actually prevented or cured, a number of measures can slow down the condition’s progress and make life more safe, convenient, and dignified for the patient.
Home Care
Home care and assisted living are options for a patient who is recovering from surgery or experiencing a chronic condition such as Alzheimer’s. The exact level of care needed will vary based on the patient, but there are some common trends to consider. For post surgical home care, for example, it may be wise to have some things prepared ahead of time before the patient returns to their residence. This could include preparing a number of meals and putting them in the fridge for the patient’s convenience, since they may not have the energy or manual dexterity to cook meals alone. And if mobility is limited, the patient may start using a downstairs room for sleep, and caregivers can relocate any relevant items for that. Going up and down stairs may be risky or difficult for some patients, so all of their needed items and care can and should be provided on the ground floor.
Similar steps may be taken for an Alzeimer’s patient, mostly in terms of safety and mental stimulation. For one, it should be noted that Alzheimer’s causes physical clumsiness, and this calls for some countermeasures. For example, sharp and flame producing items such as matches, lighters, knives, and scissors can be locked away for only the caregivers to use, and tripping hazards such as rugs and electrical cords can be moved out of the way. The patient may also benefit from mental stimulation such as a strong social life and even doing logic puzzles such as jigsaw puzzles. Home care assistants can help whenever needed, such as for cooking, cleaning, pet care, gardening, trash disposal, and anything else. Finally, if the patient ever wants to take walks or visit a nearby site on foot, they should carry a name tag with their name, address, and contact information so that the assistants can be reached. This may be very important if the patient is unable to get home and someone else finds them.