Here are 3 Things to Remember When Donating Clothing to Charity


It’s estimated that 70% of people in the United States give to charity each year. These donations can be financial or they can consist of donating items that will help people in need. One way many people choose to donate to charity is to donate clothes to Red Cross. For 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of blankets, food, blood, shelter, and also clothing donations. When you make your donation, be it to at the Red Cross donation center or another charity, there are several things to remember when making your donation, and that’s what this article will take a look at.

  • Donating Clothing Helps the Environment: One thing to remember about donating clothing to charity is that doing so is actively helping the environment. The EPA estimates that Americans throw away an average of 10 pounds of clothes per person per year, which adds up to millions of pounds being thrown away and going to the landfill. By donating these clothes to charity instead, less waste will be sent to the landfill, which will help the environment in the long run.
  • Many Charities Accept Clothing Donations: Another thing to remember about donating clothing to charity is that there are many organizations that will accept clothing donations. A common misconception is that there are only one or two organizations that accept clothing donations. This isn’t true at all: there are many organizations that will happily accept donations of used clothing, and it’s possible to choose one that supports a cause near and dear to your heart.
  • Donating Clothing Can Be Really Easy: And finally, a third thing to remember when donating clothing to charity is that the process of sending in the donations can be very easy. Many are put off by the idea of donating clothing to charity because they don’t want the hassle of boxing up the donations and driving them across town to a donation center. However, many organizations have a solution. For example, Red Cross clothing pick up sends members of the charity to your home to pick up the donations and take them back themselves. Other charities have their own equivalent of Red Cross clothing pick up, which makes it really easy to send in your donations.

In conclusion, there are several things to remember when donating clothing to charity. These things include: donating clothing helps the environment, many charities accept clothing donations, and donating clothing can be really easy when you use Red Cross clothing pick up or its equivalent. These are just a few of the things to remember when donating clothing to charity.

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