Having A Hard Time Falling Asleep Or Staying Asleep? You’re Not Alone


comfortable bedDo you wake up in the middle of the night? Is it hard to fall asleep more often than not, no matter how tired you are? Are you tired of waking up with a stiff neck and even stiffer shoulders? All these problems and more are par for the course for millions of Americans across the country, suffering from an aching body and a consistent lack of rest due to inefficient mattresses and pillows. When a lack of sleep can affect your working life and relationships, a comfortable bed can make all the difference for your long-term physical and emotional health. Read below if you want to increase the quality of your sleep and learn more about sleep-related problems, such as poor sleep positions, snoring and bed comfort.

Sleep Disorders In America
It’s estimated that over 70 million American adults have chronic sleep and wakeful disorders that disrupt their workweek and negatively impact their physical and emotional health. A large CDC survey of over 70,000 people, for example, saw a significant 35% of respondents sleeping less than seven hours per night on average. People who reported sleeping less than seven hours per night were more likely to report falling asleep unintentionally throughout the day, at least once per month if not more.

Benefits Of Good Sleep
Although it’s common to glorify burning the candle at both ends, a healthy night’s sleep is essential for adults to remain healthy throughout the week. The short-term ramifications of not getting enough sleep are low concentration issues, irritability, drowsiness and reduced efficiency. The long-term ramifications, however, can include a lowered immune system, poor memory and physical back, shoulder and neck pain. While a Gallup poll in 2013 saw 56% of Americans saying they got enough sleep, another 43% said they would function better with more hours.

Related Physical Health Issues
There are additional factors that can contribute to interrupted sleep and its short-term and long-term physical health issues. Snoring is a very common problem among all ages and demographics, affecting as many as 90 million American adults on average and 30 million on a consistent basis. Temperature can be a factor, as well, with a poll seeing nearly 90% of people waking up in the middle of the night because their room was too hot or too cold. Chronic, untreated stress can contribute to trouble falling asleep and trouble staying asleep. Insomnia is a severe issue that should be treated as soon as possible, with one in four American workers reporting this condition.

Finding A Comfortable Bed
While insomnia, chronic stress and snoring can’t be fixed in a day, buying a more comfortable bed can tackle basic problems and encourage more restful sleep throughout the week. An electric bed is a good option for people with back problems, as the heat can soothe sore muscles and reduce chronic pain in the morning. Therapeutic beds are created with awkward sleeping positions in mind and can even reduce the tendency to snore due to their state-of-the-art design and materials. A good quality mattress should have a life expectancy of nine years, meaning a comfortable bed can have you expecting many restful nights for a long time to come. air max blancas air max blancas air max blancas

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