In order to assist them with being more mobile, roughly 6.8 million people in the United States use some type of assistive device. In addition to canes, many Americans use other types of mobility devices, such as walkers or scooters. Canes, however, are actually the most popular and widely used mobility device within the United States.
Adults of all ages may use a cane to provide them with greater mobility. While 10.2% of adults aged 65 and older use a cane, slightly below 40% of those who are 85 and older use a cane or another type of mobility device.
Since one in four older adults sustains a fall at least once every year, using a cane may be able to prevent many of these falls. Even though more than half of these falls occur in the familiar surroundings of home, it may still be a good idea to use a cane when walking around the house, garden, or patio.
More than two million seniors need to go to the emergency room every year because they’ve been injured in a fall. In addition to tripping over a rug, seniors may also fall when climbing out of the bathtub or shower. The most common causes for these falls, however, are due to feeling unsteady or dizzy when standing up or walking. Given this, it’s important to use a cane for support.
There are a variety of canes available to assist people that want to improve their mobility. These include everything from sturdy bariatric canes to elegant walking canes with decorative embellishments. While some people may prefer folding canes that they can tuck away when they’re at home or out and about, other people prefer to have heavy-duty, or bariatric canes, that can be set in the corner and stand on their own.
Even though canes have a purpose as mobility devices, they can also reflect their owner’s personality and lifestyle. Given this, it’s not unusual for someone to have several canes. They may, for instance, use one around the house and another while they’re out gardening. When it’s time to go out on the town, however, they may have a large collection of stylish walking canes.