If you’re looking to help out the world – or even just your community – consider giving to a charity whose mission you support. After all, giving to charity is hugely common here in the United States, with very nearly three quarters of all people giving to charity at some point or another. For a great many people, giving to charity happens in the form of a monetary donation. After all, it is estimated that up to 3% of all income generated over the course of a year here in the United States will become a part of a charitable donation at some point.
But giving monetarily is not something that just anyone is able to do. After all, many people are not in need of charity themselves but are still not on particularly firm financial ground. Asking such people to give to charity is not particularly possible, as these are people who are likely living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to make ends meet themselves. Fortunately, giving to charity in the form of monetary donations is something that more and more people are able to do – but it is still not the only way that you can give to a charitable organization, not in the slightest.
In addition to giving a sum of money, you can also donate household goods of varying kinds. Food donations are need by many a charitable organization, as too are used clothing donations. Even donating blood can be hugely helpful in many cases. Take a look at charities like the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross is a hugely important charity, and actually ranks 13th when it comes to giving in the form of private donations. However, the American Red Cross is also in need of many other types of donations as well, thanks to the vast array of services that it provides.
In addition to provide shelter 24 hours of the day and each and every day of week, American Red Cross organizations also need food donations, blanket donations, used clothes donations and blood donations to stay up and running. And making most of these donations can be done at your local Red Cross clothing pick up site. A Red Cross clothing pick up site will accept all kinds of American Red Cross clothing donations and making a donation to a Red Cross clothing pick up site has become easier than ever before. After all, the typical Red Cross clothing pick up site is now actually easier to find than ever before as well.
Once you have found a Red Cross clothing pick up site, you’ll then need to decide what clothing it is that you will be parting with. Fortunately, this should not be too difficult for the vast majority of people. After all, most of us have a true surplus of clothing, thanks to the fact that we collectively consume upwards of 20 billion garments over the course of the single year. This means that one single American person alone will consume very nearly 70 articles of clothing in this same span of time.
But how do you make the choice between what stays and what ends up at a Red Cross clothing pick up site? For one thing, knowing what type of a climate you live in can greatly help to influence your overall decision. After all, those who live in a one to two climate part of the country should be wearing all of their clothing at least once in a six month period. If this is not the case, it is likely that this clothing might be better off going to somewhere such as a Red Cross clothing pick up site, where it an then be repurposed towards helping someone in need.
At the end of the day, there are a great many benefits to donating your clothing to somewhere like a Red Cross clothing pick up site. For one thing, such a donation will help out those who are in need in your community or perhaps even far beyond it. In addition to this, such a drop off site will prevent your clothing from ending up in a landfill, something that is certainly important from an environmental standpoint.