Bed bugs: The bane of our city-living existence. Those living in an urban setting are three times more likely to encounter these nasty little critters due to a larger population size, increased mobility, and apartment living — which these guys love.
About bed bugs: These bugs, small and brownish in color, can lay one to five eggs in a single day (that’s more than 500 in a lifetime!). They can withstand a wide range of temperatures, ranging from around freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit and are generally resistant to the insecticides used for their control.
Basically, these suckers (literally) are very difficult to kill, which is why you need the most effective bed bug treatment in order to wipe them out. The best method is to use heat treatment for bed bugs. A non-toxic bed bug treatment, heat treatment for bed bugs can kill them at all stages of their life — including their eggs.
First, you will need to call your local bed bug pest control service to get the job done. Here are a few general questions regarding the process.
How does the treatment work? Heat treatment for bed bugs starts with temporarily installing thermal remediation equipment, which consists of mobile heating units with high power fans. All of this equipment will be connected to a large, portable generator stationed outside your living space. The treatment will last around six to eight hours as the thermal heaters to kill bed bugs reach 130 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
What can you do to prepare? Unlike pesticide treatment, you will not need to remove your furniture or pack up your clothing into sealed garbage bags. Instead, collect items (such as plastic, any cans bottled under pressure, and oil paintings) that will mostly likely not fare well in the sweltering heat.
What to expect after: It may look like a bomb went off in your apartment, but this is completely necessary. The remediation company needs to take cushions off of couches and chairs to make sure the heat gets into every crevice of your place.
Why is this the most effective treatment? Thermal remediation is the only effective way to kill bugs in an eco-friendly manner. It also uses the bug’s biology and behavior against them because they are not adapted to extreme heat conditions, and they cannot hide from the heat.
If you have tried every other extermination method, but to no avail, it may be time to make the investment and contact a thermal remediation service to rid you of these bugs once and for all. Helpful research also found here.
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