Instead of contributing to disabled veterans donations, clothing of all kinds make up nearly 5% of all trash found in landfills today. Your used gently used clothing and household items can be put to such better use than sitting in a landfill.
With the average American purchasing 10 lbs of used clothing each year, there certainly is a market for consumers in need of clothing at a reasonable price. Recycling charitable donations of all sorts, namely unused or unneeded clothing as charity donations, not only helps your fellow countrymen, it significantly reduces landfill waste and environmental pollution.
In addition to our war vets in need, the families they are supporting are in need of clothing as well. So any type of donation, including infants’ children’s and women’s articles, are greatly appreciated. Additionally, appliances and household items you no longer have use for are also greatly appreciated.
A majority of Americans, 70%, donate to charity in some form each year in the United States. But with more disabled veterans donations will come more clothed veterans and their families. There are even options for both home pickup service, not to mention the numerous drop off locations across most metro areas for donors to provide their donations of not just clothing, but household items as well.
An estimated 80% of donated clothing in the United States is used by charitable organizations for donation to the needy, such as for blind of disabled veterans donations. But so much more can be done. So help a vet today.