The Wait and See health care plan is not often a good one. In a time when some children suffer from life threatening food allergies and when a case of strep throat can hamper breathing, it should come as no surprise that more and more Americans are making sure that they are looking for timely primary medical care options.
From high fevers in the middle of the night to injured ankles on the weekend, many families find the timely primary medical care that they need at a walk in health clinic. And while many of these families may have a family physician or pediatrician, when you have a sudden illness or injury at night or on the weekend, a walk in clinic that provides medical treatment is important. Waiting until Monday morning to find out if the Saturday fall is a sprain or a break does not always make sense. Getting a strep throat diagnosis early in the weekend so that you can get started with the needed care makes more sense than waiting on the phone on a Monday morning to see if you can get an appointment sometime later in the day.
The fact that so many families have two full time working parents means that timely primary medical care may be even more important. Rather than having to cancel a meeting or reschedule an appointment so that you can take a child to an office hour family physician time slot is often more disruptive than having to take an hour out of an evening or a weekend to get the care that you need.
Searching for Reliable, Affordable, and Convenient Care Is an Essential Part of Many Lives
From flu shots to flu treatments, and from itchy eyes to lacerations, finding the medical care that you need is important. Knowing that the care you need can be both affordable and convenient is a relief to most people. Problems occur when people make the mistake of going to an expensive emergency room when they do not need to. In fact, according to a private study conducted by Milliman, as many as 44% to 65% of all visits to the emergency room could have been treated in urgent care clinic settings instead. And while the same case treated in an urgent care facility would cost approximately $226, an urgent care-treatable case handled in a hospital emergency room costs an average of $2,039. It is important to realize that just because you need timely care, does not mean that care needs to be expensive. And while the temptation to Wait and See may be there, an increasing number of Americans are taking advantage of evening and weekend hours that are available at walk in clinics across the country.
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