While many people across the nation were dealing with the political turmoil of a Presidential inauguration and the march of millions of women, people in several southern states were dealing with the devastation caused by tornadoes and other high wind weather events. For those individuals who lost their homes and their possessions to weather events over the weekend, they do not have to wait for a weather specialist to determine what category of storm caused the destruction. They just know that they now face a Monday morning wondering what they will do to have a roof over their heads and what their children will wear when they go to school.
As the news reports that at least 18 people have died and scores have been injured in the latest round of southern storms, Red Cross donations will likely provide a starting point for many of these families. As one emergency situation after another occurs, however, the Red Cross donations often fall short of the real need. Perhaps it is in this time of political strife and disagreement that many Americans will turn to controlling what they can to make this country more stable, more positive, and more able to help create a positive attitude.
Red Cross Donations Are the First Line of Defense in Many Natural Disasters
American Red Cross clothing donations, as well as the important dollars that are donated, are the only way that some people get through those first hours, those first nights, and those first weeks after a natural disaster or home fire. In fact, the tornadoes that ripped through parts of Georgia over the weekend may bring attention to the mission that Red Cross donations serve, but the reality is that every hour of every day this organization serves the needs of many. In fact, 24 hours per day, 365 days a year, the American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of blood, blankets, food, and shelter.
Both household items and clothes donations provide families the help they need when they find themselves facing a natural disaster of the devastation caused by a home fire. Fortunately, 70% of people in the U.S. give to charity each year, but even this percentage of participation does not mean that the necessary items will be available for everyone in need. In all, statistics indicate that 3% of American income is given to charities each year. Are you one of the people who are part of these statistics? Perhaps now is the time that you can make a difference in your small corner of the world when so many are feeling hopeless and frustrated by the political news that fills the airways all day long.
Start a clothing drive. Spring cleaning is just around the corner. Perhaps now is the time to make plans to help motivate your neighbors to collect the items that they no longer use and to donate to those organizations like the Red Cross who help those in need. Sometimes, it takes a community event like a neighborhood or school clothing drive to motivate people to go through their clothes, their household items, and even their furniture.
Challenge yourself to teach your children that less is more. Practice what you preach. If your children see a messy and crowded closet every time that they bring their laundry to your room you are sending a strong message. You may tell your children that the obsession with having too much stuff is unhealthy, but if you do not practice this philosophy you are setting a confusing precedent. Instead, practice what you know are the good lifestyle choices of making do with less and your children will be more likely to follow suit.
Decide today to make a difference. One of the messages of the Million Women’s March in Washington D.C. and other locations around the country is that we all can make a difference. In fact, this Saturday event has a goal of making an immediate impact in their communities. Promoting their message of 10 Actions for the first 100 Days, this group encourages everyone to look around and find what they can do to make a positive change.